Suggestions: MARBECKS COLLECTABLE: Shostakovich: The preludes and fugues

Items related to MARBECKS COLLECTABLE: Shostakovich: The preludes and fugues

Since you are interested in MARBECKS COLLECTABLE: Shostakovich: The preludes and fugues, here is a list of other items that you may find interesting.

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Schubert: Sonate D.574 / Rondo op.70 / Fantasie D.934 cover
add to cart $35.00 Low Stock
Schubert: Sonate D.574 / Rondo op.70 / Fantasie D.934
Isabelle Faust (violin) / Alexander Melnikov (piano)
[ Harmonia Mundi / CD ]
"violinist Isabelle Faust and pianist Alexander Melnikov play each variation on 'Sei mir gegrusst' as if they're discovering it for the first time. Their sense of wonder can be heard right from the start of the Fantasy…delectable." CD Review, BBC Radio
Scriabin: Piano Works (Incls Sonata for Piano No 2 & 5 Preludes Op. 74) cover
add to cart $30.00 Out of Stock
2-4 weeks
Scriabin: Piano Works (Incls Sonata for Piano No 2 & 5 Preludes Op. 74)
Alexander Melnikov (piano)
[ Harmonia Mundi / CD - released 16/Jun/2006 ]
"Scriabin's strange genius played as if in the first white heat of inspiration" (Gramophone Editor's Choice July 2006)
Rachmaninov: Etudes-Tableaux / etc cover
add to cart $40.00 Out of Stock
2-4 weeks
Rachmaninov: Etudes-Tableaux / etc
Alexander Melnikov (piano), Elena Brilova (soprano)
[ Harmonia Mundi Gold / CD - released 17/Jun/2016 ]
"This stunning disc is finely recorded and makes you look forward to a further balance of songs and piano music from both these remarkable artists." Gramophone Magazine, April 2008